Miss Markham
Design and Technology Subject Lead


At Martlesham Primary Academy, we want all children to develop a positive attitude towards Design and Technology. We view Design and Technology as an important, relevant and current area of learning and want children to see that people of all genders and ages can be designers. In the changing technological world, we want children to actively engage and participate as users, consumers, service makers, designers, innovators and observers. Children will have access to high-quality resources to carry out practical activities to promote creativity, risk-taking, decision-making and engagement. We want all children to build confidence in design, construction and problem solving, with a natural curiosity through the production of quality outcomes.


Where possible, Design and Technology will link to our thematic approach to learning. However, to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum, some Design and Technology will be taught discretely. Teachers use Cornerstones Maestro as a basis for their planning, linked to the long-term and short-term plans set out for the MPA curriculum. This is to ensure children develop their knowledge and skills before applying it.

Evidence of learning is recorded in a way which is appropriate to the task the child has completed (e.g. in writing, drawing, diagrams or through photographs). In Years 1-6, children use folders to record and store their ideas as they develop. Children who are in EYFS have their work recorded on paper or on Tapestry.

Children are taught to design, make and evaluate products. This includes structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems, textiles and cooking and nutrition. Throughout this, children will learn to use equipment safely.

Design and Technology vocabulary is referred to in lessons, as linked to the short-term planning, to ensure progression and sequencing. Teachers will model how to correctly pronounce words and use them in the correct context. Vocabulary understanding is checked at the end of the current lesson but again at the beginning of the next, and revisited in future lessons, units and year groups, to embed this into the children’s long-term memory.


The Design and Technology subject lead regularly checks that teaching approaches match the intended curriculum goals for pupils, as well as following the progression of knowledge and skills which are laid out within the MPA curriculum. The sequencing of lessons supports and promotes progress for all children and teachers check what pupils know in their Design and Technology lessons, through teaching, discussion and through feedback.

Teachers assess the children on Cornerstones, after each lesson, based on the skills and knowledge taught. Evidence will be collated from teacher assessment, folders and pupil voice to inform these assessments. This will track the children’s progress against age-related expectations for Design and Technology, showing any trends.

In the term where Design and Technology is a focus subject (to support workload for subject leaders), the Design and Technology subject leader will use a range of methods to evaluate the strengths and development areas, including pupil voice, learning walks and book looks. They will also identify any CPD needs within Design and Technology, which may include team teaching, modelled lessons for teachers or whole teaching staff CPD within a staff meeting. The aim of this is to give staff the skills they need to be confident to teach and promote the subject. The Design and Technology subject lead carries out an annual resources audit and staff can request specific resources which will aid the implementation of the curriculum.

Wider and Extra Curricular Opportunities

  • Art/Design and Technology Club for Key Stage 2 children for an hour a week with the Design and Technology subject lead.
  • Construction Club for all children each week, giving an opportunity to communicate, collaborate and construct with children of all ages.

Design and Technology Documents

Vocabulary Progression