The MPA Curriculum

Martlesham Primary Academy is a small village primary school offering a unique, thematic curriculum which provides all children exciting learning opportunities in and outside the classroom. Whilst we have a thematic curriculum approach, subjects are taught discreetly. Our curriculum builds upon our vision statement of ‘Learning together, creating bright futures’.

Our curriculum ensures the children are ready to transition to the next stage of their education, they are equipped with the academic skills and knowledge, and have developed the personal attributes needed to enable them to become successful citizens in modern Britain.

Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so new knowledge and skills build on what has come before. The academic learning is underpinned by a strong emphasis on personal development and social skills so children make and maintain healthy relationships. They learn responsibility and develop a sense of self so they understand and value their place in the world.

The curriculum at Martlesham Primary Academy has the main aim to provide a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences. It is our desire that children and their families value their learning and the range of opportunities that are available.

Curriculum Design

We use Curriculum Maestro as a planning tool for the curriculum and to meet the National Curriculum objectives, planning three termly themes with different driving subjects. The theme approach has four stages.


We set the scene and provide a context for learning, hooking learners with a memorable experience. We launch learning with a ‘Stunning Start’. We pose questions the children will want to find out based on prior learning and the child’s interests. We provoke the children’s curiosity using interesting starting points.


We teach knowledge and skills to provide depth of understanding. We demonstrate new skills and allow children time for consolidation. We provide creative opportunities and deliver reading, writing and talk across the curriculum. We will take part in an educational visit to support learning.


We provide imaginative scenarios that provoke the children’s creative thinking. We enable and assess the children’s application of previously learning skills. We encourage enterprise and independent thinking. We provide opportunities for collaborative working and problem solving. We will practically reinforce learning with a ‘Marvellous Middle.


We provide environments for reflective talk and opportunities for shared evaluation. We celebrate success and identify next steps. We have a ‘Fabulous Finish’ where we showcase learning.


Long Term Plan

MPA 2024-25 Long Term Plan

Our long term plans are underpinned by the National Curriculum coverage and the progression documents for each subject ensure the children are always building on their prior knowledge and skills and making connections between their current and prior learning.


Curriculum Areas

   Art and Design                      Computing               Design and Technology                 English    

          French                              Geography                             History                                  Maths                    

                                  Music                                  Phonics                                  PSHE       

                                      PE                                          RE                                     Science