Miss Scrutton
English Subject Lead
English at MPA
Teachers should develop pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject. English is both a subject in its own right and the medium for teaching; for pupils; understanding the language provides access to the whole curriculum. Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects. (National Curriculum 2014)
Key Principles of English at MPA
- English will be embedded in all curriculum areas
- Children will be given opportunities to develop and explore language through speaking, listening and drama activities
- Reading and writing skills will be modelled and exemplifications will be displayed
- Writing, phonic/spelling and shared reading sessions take place daily
- Quality resources are available to support English and cross curricular learning
- Teachers plan English activities that support, challenge and inspire children
- Planning builds on teachers most recent assessments
- Topics/themes provide children with the opportunities to contextualise and apply English skills in a wide range of purposes
- English learning walls are displayed in every classroom
- English learning is differentiated for all abilities
- Long term planning covers the full range of writing purposes
- Children’s prior skills, experiences and knowledge are valued and incorporated into English learning
- Learning objectives are derived from the National Curriculum
- Short term planning is flexible and reflects teacher assessment
- Reading and writing is moderated across the school and the region termly
Wider and Extra Curricular Opportunities:
- All children at Martlesham Primary Academy celebrate World Book Day.
- Children in Year 5 are given the opportunity to apply to be a library leader, opening the library for a lunch time each week. Children from other year groups then can come to the library to read or listen to a story read by the library leaders.
MPA Documents
- How we teach handwriting at MPA
- How we teach reading at MPA
- How we teach speaking and listening at MPA
- How we teach spelling at MPA
- How we teach writing at MPA
- MPA English Policy
- MPA World Book Day 2025
MPA Termly Book Blog
Find out the children’s thoughts on the key texts in the term, further books they may wish to read and other reading-related activities we have been up to!
Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine
The Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story.
- Bring reading to life with a classic read aloud programme, selected by literacy expert Pie Corbett
- Foster a love of reading with the best-loved books for Nursery to Year 9
- Deepen comprehension and teach drama and writing by drawing on the core books
Please find the links below for the free downloadable guides by year group.
Pie Corbett Reception Pie Corbett YR4
Pie Corbett YR1 Pie Corbett YR5
Pie Corbett YR2 Pie Corbett YR6
Pie Corbett YR3
Being able to spell is still incredibly important at Martlesham Primary Academy, even in these days of autocorrect and predictive text. All children at school in England will sit a spelling test at the end of Year 6.
Children who can spell well are often more confident writers. They are more likely to write their ideas quickly and fluently as they don’t need to worry about whether or not their spelling is correct. They are also likely to be more adventurous with the words they use to express themselves.
Below are a list of Common Exception Words – words that are spelled without using the normal spelling rules – that children in England are expected to be able to spell by the end of the year group.
- Common Exception Words for Year 1
- Common Exception Words for Year 2
- Common Exception Words for Years 3 & 4
- Common Exception Words for Years 5 & 6
- More Resources